Greetings, and welcome to our centralized blog site. In an ongoing effort to increase our effectiveness in communication, we have created this blog site as a central launch pad for all our blogs and other communication venues simplifying the need to disperse multiple web URLs. Utilizing blogs allows our members to post questions regarding schedules, rehearsals or performances, etc., and gives everyone the benefit of the correspondence. We recommend that you subscribe to the blog pages that are pertinent to you to receive updates automatically by email or at least visit the blog frequently to keep appraised on announcements or last-minute changes of schedule.
Remember, the blog sites are interactive and allow you to correspond with us at anytime. It is simply a continual conversation between all members of our teams.
We are also on Facebook and Twitter for those of you who utilize those mediums. Please note, that the Facebook and Twitter conversations may be different from the blogs, so users should still check out this site.